Health and Wellbeing
Meet our Well-Being Team
The Well-being team was set up to promote both pupil and staff well-being at Bluebell Meadow Primary. The team consists of both staff and pupils who meet termly to discuss and plan upcoming well-being events and to discuss ways to promote well-being across the school.
How can you support your Mental Health & Well-being
Staff at Bluebell Meadow Primary are always here to support you and your family. If you are concerned about your own Mental Health & Well-being or your child’s please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Family Support Office Mrs Cumming.
Please find below a list of resources you may find beneficial should you ever require them;
Free listening services
These services offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult:
- Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: for a reply within 24 hours
- Text "SHOUT" to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text "YM" if you're under 19
KIND to your mind plan
Selfcare techniques:
Hub of Hope - Mental Health:
- Bedtime routine
- Diet sleep tips
- Mental Health Emotional Support for Adults
- Mental Health Emotional support for Children
- Practical sleep tips for adults
- Relaxation at bedtime
- Ways to support a worried child