Operation Encompass


Operation Encompass is a national system which allows police to notify your child’s school, if they have attended a home to manage an incident of domestic abuse. This will happen if the children are present or even if the children not present but are related to either of the adult parties involved. The notification will only be received by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and full details will not be shared with all staff.

Notifying schools is now a legal obligation and police must notify schools after every incident.

If our school receives a notification, we can then sensitively and discretely support your child once they arrive to school. Nobody will ever speak to your child about the incident nor would they ever be questioned or probed about what happened. We would simply ensure that the school day is made as comfortable and positive as possible. 

We will not call home unless it is to discuss any significant concerns we have in relation to your child during that day. However, the safeguarding team will always be available should you require any advice or support. We can signpost you to agencies who are specialists in this area and they will offer specific help and guidance.

If you are worried for yourself or anyone else, please contact any of the following:


T: 03000 20 25 25 (24 hours)

E: info@myharbour.org.uk


The Halo Project

T: 01642 683 045

E: info@haloproject.org.uk

W: www.haloproject.org.uk

National Centre for Domestic Violence

A free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic abuse and violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.

W: www.ncdv.org.uk

T: 08009702070